
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Birmingham, AL is a welcoming and affirming congregation of diverse Christians who are committed to Jesus' command to love and care for our neighbors, whoever they may be. You'll find posts on this blog by our Rector, and also by our parishioners. During the season of Lent, there will be daily meditations on the readings. At other seasons of the year, there will be sporadic postings. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

EfM Liturgy on Love

from February 16, 2016

Here we are, just past that Holiday of Love and Hearts: Valentine’s Day. Do you know how many times the word “heart” is used in the Bible? 576 times in the Old Testament and 149 times in the New Testament. Just a brief catalogue:

Joshua: hearts of the people melt in fear

Judges: searching of heart

Samuel: Hannah was praying in her heart

Kings: Change of heart

Job: what you concealed in your heart

The Psalms have 127 mentions: lose heart, heart’s desire, pure heart, broken and contrite heart, callous and hard hearts

Proverbs: guard your heart

Luke: Mary treasured all these things in her heart

So, thinking about hearts and love:

Leader: Lord God, you have taught us that anything we do without love is worth nothing, for whoever lives without love is counted dead before you; send your Holy Spirit, and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love, the true bond of peace and of all virtues; grant this for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ who is alive with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.  Amen.

NZPB p. 624c This collect was written by Thomas Cranmer for Quinquagesima Sunday (the Sunday before Lent)

Reader: from John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 

Leader: God, your love reaches to the highest heavens

All: how can we keep silent?

Leader: You are the Father 

All: who welcomes home the prodigal who has wandered far.

Leader: You are the Mother 

All: who prepares a meal when others would simply ignore.

Leader: You are the Father 

All: whose love extends beyond our thoughts or minds.

Leader: You are the Mother 

All: whose tender touch makes a wounded spirit whole.

Leader: God, your love reaches to the highest heavens

All: we praise your mighty name!

Leader: You are the Father! You are the Mother!

All: whose gracious love we celebrate this day. Amen

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