
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Birmingham, AL is a welcoming and affirming congregation of diverse Christians who are committed to Jesus' command to love and care for our neighbors, whoever they may be. You'll find posts on this blog by our Rector, and also by our parishioners. During the season of Lent, there will be daily meditations on the readings. At other seasons of the year, there will be sporadic postings. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Do Not Be Afraid

The Gospel:  John 6: 16-21 

It was a dark and stormy night on the Sea of Galilee, as the old Evangelist John remembered.  

He and his fellow fishermen — Simon, Andrew, and James — had been in the hillside crowd earlier that day on the northeastern side of the Sea of Galilee, when their young rabbi and friend, Jesus, taught about a new way to live. His teachings had inspired five thousand hungry people to be generous and share their baskets of fish and bread. After the inspiring teachings and the miraculous meal, evening was approaching, and the crowd began to disperse. Jesus decided to stay with some of the folk and walk with them back to Capernaum. Meanwhile, John and his fellow fishermen got into their boat to row back to Capernaum, while fondly seeing Jesus watching them from the shore.

On the sea, darkness settled in and winds began to stir the waters. Old John recalls the anxiety of his friends as the storm worsened. They became terrified. With three or four miles to reach their destination, the four of them looked up and suddenly saw something startling: Jesus walking on the waters toward them. Then they became more anxious. Jesus came close to them and said calmly and compassionately, “I am.  Do not be afraid.” Immediately, they arrived safely at their destination.

 When Jesus proclaims “I am,” He asserts that He is One with The Divine Father (as Moses so long before had heard the “I am” declaration from Yahweh). Today, when our own fear, distress, and darkness may drive our lives, we can be calmed, comforted, and made faithful and steadfast, day by day, knowing His Presence in the very Heart of our Existence. “Do not be afraid.”  Likewise, the grand chorale hymn “Jesu, Meine Freude” comforts our hearts: “Hence all fear and sadness! for the Lord of gladness, Jesus, enters in. Those who love the Father, though the storms may gather, Still have Peace within; Yea what-e’er I here must bear, Thou art still my purest pleasure, Jesus, priceless Treasure.” (Hymnal 1982, 701).

John Stanley Rich

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